Branches of HHMI
CARE MINISTRY - We hosted a free Honoree Dinner from 2006-2014 enabling family and friends to honor their loved ones. From these special dinners seniors began to follow the ministry requesting phone calls, visits and some are Volunteers from home. Our Care Ministry was birthed from this group of seniors. We make weekly phone calls, send cards, make home visits and send voice recorded messages as needed.
FRIENDLY CALLERS - We receive referrals from families and friends. Such calls are much needed for many of the clients have little or no family. We can call clients as often as possible, at least twice (2) a month. Due to the many viruses that are present we are no longer visiting for safety reasons.
PASTORAL CARE - Our ordinated clergy have committed themselves to serve our seniors with in-home Bible study, communion, home/hospital visits, overnight end-of-life support per family requests and more.
We acknowledge the sacredness, dignity and worth of all persons. We further acknowledge the vast brokeness in the physical, social, mental emotional and spiritual dimensions of human life and the individuals quest for wholeness. Provide an Invitation to receive Salvation.
SOCIAL SERVICES - We provide Eldercare Information and Referrals for Frail Elderly and Seniors 60+. We Support Caregivers with in-services, information and agencies who will answer their questions and assist with help caring for their loved one.
WEEKLY SCRIPTURE - In June 2014 Elder Melton began sending voice recordings every Monday morning generated to over 75 recipients by a company database and growing, this recording is known by many as "The Scripture of the Week". Everyone needs inspirational encouragement. Why not start your week with an inspirational weekly encouragement. This service is free of charge.
In 2009 we began doing Bible Study in St. Ignatius Nursing Home.
In 2006-2014 we hosted a free Honoree Dinner.
In 2001 Our Care Ministry was birthed.
In 2015 We partnered with Aid for Friends aka Caring for Friends as host site in SW Philadelphia to distribute home cooked meals to the Isolated and Homebound with a friendly visit.
Global Missions

Missions is very important to us!
Although we are commissioned to provide Social Services and Pastoral Care at the community level which is Domestic Missions we have a heart for world evangelism. Therefore, we have partnered with one of our Board Members Missionary/Evangelist Lorraine Williams who is on the mission field full-time in Phoenix, Arizona and over the years we have seen the actual fruit of her labor. Her bio can be reviewed on "Our Team" page. Help us to continue this great work and become a Sponsor to support her. All donations are tax-deductible and will go directly to our Missionary/Evangelist.