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"The lives of our Elders are as Trees, although many leaves have fallen over the years the roots are very deep producing strong branches"

2025 "A NEW BEGINNING" to nourish, protect and give HOPE to our Senior communities and Caregivers assistance for such a large task.

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Our prayer line is available 24 hours
a day Call .... 1-480-553-0487


Let me tell you how it all began.... “An Advocate for the Elderly.” As a child my home was located across the street from a Nursing Home.  I would observe the cruel behavior of the workers towards the elderly, to watch daily caused me much heartache and compassion.  At that young age I did not have a voice to tell anyone, however I found myself in my bedroom with tears in my eyes praying for those Elders.


As years progressed in February 1982 I accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. In 2000 HHMI formed, however, I began volunteering my time to the Nursing Homes, Hospitals & Private Homes, advocating in Ombudsman, serving in Hospice & accepting the appointment as Lead Associate Chaplain with NewCourtland Eldercare Services providing Pastoral Care (One-on-Ones with Residents), conducting In-Services, Memorial/Funeral Services, teaching the End-of- Life Presentations to the new CNA’s and Bible Study to the residents.  The passion inside of me for Eldercare grew stronger and HHMI was incorporated July 14, 2004.


HHMI demographic area is the Southwest/West Philadelphia communities, covering zip codes 19139 and 19143 but has extended their hands to Lansdowne & Upper Darby PA and as far as Media, Chester, Pottstown, PA -Wilmington, DE, Baltimore/Mardela/Hebron, MD and Suffolk, VA.  We reach out to the often talked about, yet, underserved elders who are in the critical times of their life at no cost to them or their families. 


In January 1999 I became full-time caregiver at home for my mother who was diagnosed with Dementia she expired at home at age 92.  My husband and I then became caregivers for his mother in January 2005, a short stay at our home, who expired at age 103.  After caring for my mother I was inspired to self-publish a book entitled: "Mission Impossible: Dedicated to Caregivers" which can be purchased directly from HHMI. 

We have dedicated our lives to enhance the quality of life and spiritual well-being of the Elderly and assist the Caregivers and Families with their quest to caregive. 

In His Service,

Elder Marietta Melton, Founder

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The Seniors/Elderly and
Caregivers are our Priority

Need help taking care of a loved one and don't know where to turn?  HHMI is here to assist you with Eldercare Information, referrals, Caregivers support and Pastoral Care.  In these critical days and times our Elders are often talked about but much forgotten.  


We cater to all Elders in need of help and to make the load lighter for their caregivers and families.

A Message from the Founder

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